Frances has been teaching acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine since 2000, and offers clinical observation, mentoring, seminars and workshops for both acupuncturists and herbalists.
Jing Fang Classical Herbalism, Clinical Practice & Seminars
The Jing Fang Apprenticeship & regular Jing Fang Seminars take place at the Cholsey Complementary Health Centre, South Oxfordshire.
Cooking with Herbs Workshops
Practical workshops exploring the use of Chinese herbs in cooking. These days are open to everyone, with or without a background in Chinese medicine. They can be taken individually or as a series. Come prepared to cook!
Pulse Diagnosis Seminars
To tune into the pulse is to tune into the heart of the matter. These practical pulse diagnosis seminars aim to help us develop our tactile skills and to clarify some of the confusions around pulse reading and pulse terminology.
Other Seminars for Acupuncturists and Herbalists
Silent Diagnosis focusing on diagnosis from observation and palpation.
Intuition in Acupuncture Practice exploring how to trust our senses in the clinic room.
Herbal Nuggets: Dynamic herb combinations. How to use some simple herb combinations in teas and cooking. Herbs work particularly well together in pairs, where the actions of one herb are enhanced by the actions of the other. As given to the British Conference of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Windsor, 2012.
Herbal Stocks for the Immune System: Tasty ways we can support our own health with herbs. As given to the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine Annual Conference 2014.